Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Keynote as a collaborative wireframing tool

Looking for a quick and dirty solution

In many ways, wireframing by yourself is much easier. You have time to think, tweak and refine. This is hard to do with a client in the room. Collaborative wireframing is about quickly mocking up ideas and discussing them. So, you need a tool that facilitates that goal.

Your wireframing tool needs to be:

  • Quick to use
    Nothing’s worse than a client sitting around as you desperately battle with a wireframing tool to demonstrate an idea.
  • Easy to revise
    In a collaborative process, the discussion will lead you to try out loads of subtly different approaches. You will have to be able to alter the wireframe quickly.
  • Easy to understand
    Wireframes have to be clear and descriptive. Clients don’t have the benefit of our experience in working with wireframes and so can be easily confused.
  • Professional-looking
    An idea can be cheapened by the presentation. It helps if the tool can produce a wireframe that looks like a well-considered, high-quality solution.

Keynote works on all counts here. Especially when you start with pre-designed iOS GUI Element Kits:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the idea of using this service. It seems to me that it is applicable to any business and product. I like the look of patterns. I also us very attractive patterns on my how to promote app site. They really can serve as a framework for any project.
