Thursday, September 27, 2012

5 Steps for Wireframing and Paper Prototyping Mobile Apps

Paper Prototyping Comes First

 In my experience, there is a vast difference in the form and function of wireframes versus paper prototypes, even though the terms may be used interchangeably. In my mobile design process, the first thing that happens after we figure out who is using the app and how, is paper prototypes -NOT wireframes.

Wireframes Come Second and Must be Shared

 Even if this is an app for your own internal “client”, wireframes serve as another review to make sure the app is working in a way that serves both the user and the business. You could skip the process and move straight from paper prototypes to Photoshop for GUI design. I know it’s tempting, but don’t do it! The instant you begin working in a bubble is the same time you give in to the “Curse of Knowledge”.
From paper to prototype products available:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Keynote as a collaborative wireframing tool

Looking for a quick and dirty solution

In many ways, wireframing by yourself is much easier. You have time to think, tweak and refine. This is hard to do with a client in the room. Collaborative wireframing is about quickly mocking up ideas and discussing them. So, you need a tool that facilitates that goal.

Your wireframing tool needs to be:

  • Quick to use
    Nothing’s worse than a client sitting around as you desperately battle with a wireframing tool to demonstrate an idea.
  • Easy to revise
    In a collaborative process, the discussion will lead you to try out loads of subtly different approaches. You will have to be able to alter the wireframe quickly.
  • Easy to understand
    Wireframes have to be clear and descriptive. Clients don’t have the benefit of our experience in working with wireframes and so can be easily confused.
  • Professional-looking
    An idea can be cheapened by the presentation. It helps if the tool can produce a wireframe that looks like a well-considered, high-quality solution.

Keynote works on all counts here. Especially when you start with pre-designed iOS GUI Element Kits:

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

GestureWorks Multitouch Software Framework - Build Gesture-Driven Apps

GestureWorks® 3 is the most advanced multitouch framework ever built.
Author amazing apps with the new Gesture Markup Language.

For creating intense gesture driven apps.

100 Terrific Tools for Coders & Developers | DailyTekk

Whether you are a world-class programmer looking for a few extra tools to add to your already awesome arsenal or a wanna-be coder looking to get into the game, these coding resources comprised of many startups (meaning you probably haven’t heard of a lot of these) as well as established sites and services are sure to help you take your game to the next level (whatever that might be). Included here are tools to help you communicate better with your team, share code, test your app and track usage, add functionality and much more. Whether you are a mobile or web app developer, I’m sure you will find something new to love here. Any suggestions on great sites or services that should be added?

What an amazing list of coding resources!

Friday, September 21, 2012

25 Impressive and Fantastic Icon Sets for Your iPhone | TutorialChip

Here, we have collected 25 best and free high-quality iPhone icons set. We hope you’ll like these listed icons, and try to replace your iPhone icons. please tell me which one is your favourite, via our comments section.

Nice set of iPhone Icons!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Getting Started Building iPhone Apps in Xcode 4.2 - Speckyboy Design Magazine

The newest version of Xcode comes packaged with a few noticeable interface changes. For beginners and intermediate users it can be difficult figuring out even the most basic functionality. And although Apple’s online documentation is well-written, it’s certainly not friendly for the average user.

So in this guide I’d like to put together some basic steps for building any iOS app. I’ll be focusing exclusively on iPhone & iPod Touch devices since iPad opens up a whole new chapter of research. You aren’t required to understand Objective-C or MVC programming to get started with this Xcode guide. But any dedicated iOS app developer will study at least some basic syntax guidelines.

If you are not employed as an app developer your time might be better spent just prototyping your app with Keynote and a set of iOS GUI elements: and then send that to Elance or oDesk for a developer to finish.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Introduction to iPhone Design

Are you a web designer, excited by the idea of designing iPhone apps, but unsure of how to get started? Or perhaps you’ve designed a couple of apps, but are looking to boost your skills with some fundamental knowledge of why we make certain design decisions for mobile? This series is for both novice and intermediate-level designers who want to make a big splash in the mobile design space!

iPhone Design 101 from Mobile Tuts

The topics you can look forward to in this series include both hands-on techniques and examples as well as mobile related design theory. The following is a line-up of what we will cover over the course of this series:

  • Designing for the iPhone Audience and the App Store
  • How to Use iPhone and iPad Design Templates
  • Designing Apps that Use All Available iPhone Functionality
  • How to Design for the Different Types of iPhone Apps
  • The Mobile Design Process
  • The Pros and Cons of Using Apple Default vs. Custom Graphics
  • Understanding Your App’s Target Audience
  • Icon Design Tips for iPhone and iPad
  • iPhone Mockup Tools and the Wireframing Process
  • Creating Screenshots and Icons for iTunes

Envtos work is alwaye excellent.

Prototype steps of GUI development

First I would design (on paper!) my GUI and all layout to get a feeling for my requirements. If the GUI mostly consist of buttons, labels and some few fields to enter text, I would go for something that it lightweight. In most games I developed there were only a few widget types that I really needed, so for a list like "buttons, labels, windows, listboxes, textboxes and images" a library

Spending some time clarifying your vision on paper saves time in the long run.

Xcode and Objective C Classes for the Ambitious

Here’s an overview of this 3-day (at your own pace), class:

  • Pre-Class (before class)
  • Xcode: Editor tools and tips
  • Introduction to Objective-C: Selectors and Memory
  • Introduction to Objective C: Classes
  • Introduction to Objective C: Foundation
  • Memory Management
  • Application and View Life Cycle
  • Tables
  • Navigation
  • Gestures
  • Core Data
  • Human Interface Guidelines and Device Setup
  • Registering as an Apple Developer
  • Run App on Device
  • Individual App Project: Start to Finish
  • Submitting App to Apple

For those that dont want to learn code you can use Apple Keynote along with some pre-designed and fully-editable set of iOS GUI Elements:

How to Make an iPhone App (For Non-Technical People)

There is just one tiny problem – you don’t know how to program, let alone make an iPhone app.

Using Keynote is an excellent way to make an iPhone prototype. You can speed it up by using pre-designed fully-editable iOS GUI Element Kits with contain the most used buttons, sliders etc:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

App Mockup Tools is Open

App Sketchpads

App Mockup Tools Sketchpad

App Mockup Tools has been putting the finishing touches on our App Sketchpads. The overall color density has been toned down. This leads to a less distracting working environment. Also there is a light dot grid pattern to help your lines stay straight. Its all lighter that a number 2 pencil drawing to keep your designs prominent. Common iOS screen marking are included to mark Status Bar, Navigation Bar, Keyboard, Tab Bar and Toolbar.

iOS GUI Element Kits

App Mockup Tools iOS GUI Element Kit

Design and development has begun on the iOS GUI Element Kits. Initially there will be both 'Classic' and 'Wireframe' kits for iPhone and iPad. The 'Classic' kit is filled with completely editable GUI Elements that are commonly seen in iPhone iOS and in third party apps. i.e buttons, sliders, dials, keyboards, background, bars, etc. The 'Wireframe' Kit has 'wireframe' elements when you don't want design to get in the way. Nearly every element in all kits are completely editable in color, size, shadowing, type, line width, etc. App Prototypes can quickly be created with interactive, click-able links to their respective screens. All done with easy to use software you most likely already own and use. Not far after the release of 'Classic' and 'Wireframe' Kits, 'Custom' Kits will be announced.

Thanks for so much feedback!